Hydropolis underwater hotel , Dubai ---> #science facts

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1) Hydropolis underwater hotel Dubai :

One of the underwater hotels , under construction is the Crescent Hydropolis ,Dubai. 
Dubai has become notorious in recent years for its modern architecture. 
At a cost of some 550 million dollars , the luxury resort is being built on the Persian Gulf floor 66 feet below the surface. 
When completed, the project will cover 27 acres and compose of an above ground land station connected by a 1700 foot transparent train tunnel to the 
undersea hotel which resembles the shape of a jellyfish. The 220 suites will be bubble-shaped, with clear glass comprising both the sleeping area walls and the bathtubs. 
I suppose modesty must be checked at the front desk also. Anxious sea-dwellers will have to wait until 2009 before making a reservation.
 You may even want to have a look at some existing Dubai hotels before diving into the ocean for Hydropolis.

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